
date:Fri Jan 12 13:17:51 2018

This module contains base classes for interfacing with key hardware components:

As well as implementations for some common Rotator and Radios.

In order to implment new new hardware interface, derive from the appropriate base class and implement the interface methods. See RotatorBase and RadioBase for details.


DummyRotator A dummy class that responds like the rotator but does nothing.
GR_XMLRPCRadio(name, stream, rpcaddr[, …]) Class for driving radios over RPC (mainly Gnu radio flowgraphs that include an XMLRPC block)
GS232B(url_or_dev[, name, serial_conf]) This Rotator class implements a subset of the Yaesu GS232-B protocol.
RadioBase Base class for Radio object.
RotCtld(addr, port[, name, persist]) Interface to hamlib rotators using Rotctld
Rotator(addr, port[, name, persist])
RotatorBase Base class for any rotator hardware interface