libgs entrypoints

author:Kjetil Wormnes


libgs-db is a command-line tool to interact with any libgs-compatible database. It can connect to mysql databases, and to sqlite files, and in fact, to any other database permitted by SQLAlchemy.

For full reference:

$ libgs-db --help

The most common use of libgs-db is to prune the databases to not get out of control. To do so, you should add a cron job to a script that runs libgs-db to prune the database. It will look something like:

libgs-db mysql+pymysql://uname:pwd@localhost/libgs[comms] --prune 1000 -d "sqlite:////backup/path/db.sqlite[comms]" --delete -f
libgs-db mysql+pymysql://uname:pwd@localhost/libgs[passes] --prune 1000 -d "sqlite:////backup/path/db.sqlite[passes]" --delete -f
libgs-db mysql+pymysql://uname:pwd@localhost/libgs[monitor] --prune 1000 -d "sqlite:////backup/path/db.sqlite[monitor]" --delete -f

This would prune the comms and passes tables to 1000 rows, backing up the excess rows into db.sqlite.

Another ommon use is to just quickly inspect the database to see the available tables. (This will work on non-libgs databases too):

$ libgs-db mysql+pymysql://uname:pwd@localhost/libgs
No table specified. Do so by adding it in square brackets: mysql+pymysql://adfags:@dfags@localhost/adfags[table_name]
I found the following tables in mysql+pymysql://adfags:@dfags@localhost/adfags:
* passes ( 7374 rows )
    - _id                 INTEGER(11)
    - _tstamp             DECIMAL(20, 12)
    - key                 VARCHAR(1024)
    - value               TEXT
    - pass_id             VARCHAR(1024)
    - module              VARCHAR(1024)
* monitor ( 224834 rows )
    - _id                 INTEGER(11)
    - _tstamp             DECIMAL(20, 12)
    - key                 VARCHAR(1024)
    - value               TEXT
    - pass_id             VARCHAR(1024)
    - alert               VARCHAR(1024)
* comms ( 10008 rows )
    - _id                 INTEGER(11)
    - _tstamp             DECIMAL(20, 12)
    - nid                 VARCHAR(1024)
    - pass_id             VARCHAR(1024)
    - orig                VARCHAR(1024)
    - dest                VARCHAR(1024)
    - msg                 TEXT

Of course, you could do the same with a sqlite file. For example, to inspect the structure of the backup file created in above:

$ libgs-db sqlite:////backup/path/db.sqlite

You could then inspect the contents of the specific tables, export to CSV, etc by specifying the table in square brackets. For example, show the 3 most recent rows of the comms table:

$ libgs-db mysql+pymysql://adfags:@dfags@localhost/adfags[comms] -l 3 -n
                        _tstamp    nid         pass_id orig dest                                                msg
19302 2018-10-29 04:10:56.150400  43014  20181029041407  Sat   GS  [0, 0, 182, 0, 17, 15, 167, 66, 186, 10, 18, 0...
19301 2018-10-29 04:09:05.731200  43014  20181029041407  Sat   GS  [211, 1, 128, 0, 32, 59, 170, 84, 150, 165, 19...
19300 2018-10-29 04:08:08.707200  43014  20181029041407  Sat   GS  [211, 1, 128, 0, 194, 97, 212, 76, 209, 74, 73...

See the --help reference for full details on the available arguments.


libgs-restapi is the command-line tool to start a libgs restapi.

For a full reference:

$ libgs-restapi --help

Example Create a restapi and connect it to the mysql database at localhost/libgs with username uname and password pwd, and use the binary path (where to store files that are too big for the database, see the disk_path in database.Database) as /libgs-db-bib. Bind publicly ( on port 10001:

$ libgs-restapi -a -p 10001 --db mysql+pymysql://uname:pwd@localhost/libgs --db-bin-path /libgs-db-bin

Example Map RPC APIs.

libgs-restapi has the ability to map an arbitrary XMLRPC api. See restapi for details. In order to set it up using the libgs-restapi command-line tool use the -r parametr. For example:

$ libgs-restapi -r rpc/gs http://localhost:10001 -r rpc/sch http://localhost:8000

will create two additional api endpoints on /api/rpc/gs and /api/rpc/sch to which it will map the libgs.groundstation.GroundStation and libgs.rpc.RPCSchedulerServer XMLRPC API interfaces respectively.

Note that any XMLRPC interface can be mapped this way so long as it has registered introspection functions. See SimpleXMLRPCServer. register_introspection_functions(). (you can of course also use libgs.rpc.RPCServer as a drop-in replacement for SimpleXMLRPCServer anytime you make such an api)

See the –help for detailed reference on avialable arguments


libgs-emulate is a console script thar can emulate certain hardware.

Currently, it can emulate:

  • radio
  • rotctld

For a full reference on available arguments run:

$ libgs-emulate --help

For emulator specific help run:

$ libgs-emulate radio --help
$ libgs-emulate rotctld --help