
class libgs_ops.propagator.Propagator(api=None, tles=None, gs_lat=None, gs_lon=None, gs_elev=0, tle_timeout=1, nids=[])[source]

Class to compute pointing angles for a satellite based on its Norad ID

You can connect to a local Db using the TLEDb class, to spacetrack using the SpaceTrackAPI class, or simply just specify the TLEs directly as a string. The latter will use the manually input tles and never query space-track.

For a reference on TLEs see Wikipedia


This class relies heavily on py-ephem

  • api – API for TLE updates
  • tles (str) – TLEstring
  • gs_lat (float, optional) – latitude of ground station
  • gs_lon (float, optional) – longitude of ground station
  • gs_elev (float, optional) – elevation of ground station
  • tle_timeout (float, optional) – Time in days before re-requesting new TLEs
  • nids (list(int), optional) – List of NORAD IDs to track. If a satellite is requested that is not in this list it will be added and a full refresh of the TLEs from space-track initiated.


compute_pass(nid[, key_els, when, dt]) Perform a detailed calculation of the pass and
get_all(nid[, gs_lat, gs_lon, gs_elev, when]) Just a wrapper around pyephem _compute function, which allows the extraction
get_angles(nid[, gs_lat, gs_lon, gs_elev, when])
get_angles_old(nid[, gs_lat, gs_lon, …]) If the user prefers to calculate the angles at a specific time he should set when=YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm:ss.
get_doppler(nid, freq[, gs_lat, gs_lon, …])
get_eclipsed(nid[, gs_lat, gs_lon, gs_elev, …])
get_ground_coord(nid[, when]) Return the ground track lat/long coord without needing the ground station
get_orbit(nid[, when]) Return the orbital elements
get_passes([nid, N, when, horizon]) Compute the next passes
get_range(nid[, gs_lat, gs_lon, gs_elev, when])
get_range_rate(nid[, gs_lat, gs_lon, …])
get_tle(nid) Return TLEs from a NORAD ID by
get_visible_satellites([tz, future_only, …]) Get a list of current and upcoming radio amateur satellite passes.
print_info(nid[, when]) Print all info about a specific space item



Inherited from base class