
date:Sun Aug 6 17:36:19 2017



This example focues on the scheduler. Please see propagator for instructions on how to compute pass data (az, el and range_rate) for your pass. For the remainder of these tutorials it is assumed that pdat exists.

First the pass data must be converted into a CommsPass:

>>> cp = CommsPass(pdat, desc="Test pass")
>>> cp
Communication Pass:
  Norad ID:       25544
  Description:    Test pass
  Visib. horizon: 10
  Pass start:     2017/10/13 13:57:16
  Pass end:       2017/10/13 14:03:58
  Scheduled comms:
   (no comms added but NOT listen mode)


The CommsPass allows you to set arbitrary metadata. Such metadata will be stored in the pass database together with the schedule. It may also be used by a custom protocol that requires it. (See libgs.protocols.protocolbase.ProtocolBase) The metadata can be seen in the CommsPass.metadata attribute. It is also directly accessible by the . operator, but the . operator can not be used to create new metadata. Either add it to the metadata dict, or on CommsPass construction as in the example below.

>>> cp = CommsPass(pdat, hello=123, test=[1,2,3], another=dict(a=1,b=2))
>>> cp.metadata
{'another': {'a': 1, 'b': 2},
 'desc': None,
 'hello': 123,
 'horizon': 10.0,
 'listen': False,
 'nid': 25544,
 'test': [1, 2, 3]}
>>> cp.test
[1, 2, 3]

Then add communications to the pass. There are several ways to specify the byte sequence of the communications. You can also set the retries parameter that specifies how many times to try again in case of failure.

>>> cp.add_communication('DC-00-34-BB-AA')
>>> cp.add_communication('AA-BB-CC-DD', retries=1)
>>> cp.add_communication(bytearray([0xaa,0xab, 234,43,23,45]))
>>> cp
Communication Pass:
  Norad ID:       25544
  Description:    None
  Visib. horizon: 10
  Pass start:     2017/10/13 13:57:16
  Pass end:       2017/10/13 14:03:58
  Scheduled comms:
     0 ( 3 retries) : DC-00-34-BB-AA
     1 ( 1 retries) : AA-BB-CC-DD
     2 ( 3 retries) : AA-AB-EA-2B-17-2D

The scheduler also supports actions. Action s refer to any functionality you may have implemented in the protocol’s libgs.protocols.protocolbase.ProtocolBase.do_action() method, and there is no standard format since the syntax depends on the function. Assuming you have made some actions for starting and stopping comms, you could add them with something like this:

>>> cp.add_communication(Action(("start_comms", 3), {'some_kwarg': 2}, desc="Start communication", retries=5))
>>> cp.add_communication(Action(("stop_comms",)))
>>> cp
Communication Pass:
  Norad ID:       25544
  Description:    None
  Visib. horizon: 10
  Pass start:     2017/10/13 13:57:16
  Pass end:       2017/10/13 14:03:58
  Scheduled comms:
     0 ( 3 retries) : DC-00-34-BB-AA
     1 ( 1 retries) : AA-BB-CC-DD
     2 ( 3 retries) : AA-AB-EA-2B-17-2D
     3 ( 5 retries) : 'Start communication' <('start_comms', 3), {'some_kwarg': 2}>
     4 ( 0 retries) : 'unnamed' <('stop_comms',), {}>

In general it is recommended to only use one positional argument, (first tuple in CommsPass.add_communication()) and keep action-specific parameters in the dictionary (second tuple). But this is not a requirement. See libgs.protocols.protocolbase.ProtocolBase.do_action().

You can access the pass data in the commspass directly. This is exatly the same pdat structure you passed in on creation:

>>> cp.pass_data.head()
. tstamp_str az el range_rate
43020.081435 2017/10/13 13:57:16 314.109 10.0034 -6800.68
43020.081447 2017/10/13 13:57:17 314.111 10.1116 -6798.35
43020.081458 2017/10/13 13:57:18 314.113 10.2206 -6795.98
43020.081470 2017/10/13 13:57:19 314.115 10.3303 -6793.57
43020.081481 2017/10/13 13:57:20 314.117 10.4407 -6791.12

To make a schedule, you need to add CommsPass’es to a Schedule:

>>> s = Schedule()
>>> s.add_pass(cp)
>>> s
---- -------- -------------------- -------------------- --------------
#    Norad id Pass start (utc)     Pass end (utc)       Communications
---- -------- -------------------- -------------------- --------------
0    25544    2017/10/13 13:57:16  2017/10/13 14:03:58  5

The schedule does not permit you to add overlapping passes:

>>> s.add_pass(cp)
Error: Can't add pass as it overlaps with another pass in the schedule

It is often useful to dump the schedule to a file that can be shared with other operators or loaded into adfa-gs. To dump a schedule to file in JSON format use the to_json() method:

>>> with open('test.schedule', 'w') as fp:
>>>    fp.write(s.to_json())

To load it again, use from_json classmethod:

>>> s2 = Schedule.from_json('test.schedule')

The Schedule provides several convenience functions. Check the help for details.

The below complete example adds schedules for several upcoming passes, all with the same communication, and with an extra communication to the final:

>>> passes = p.get_passes(25544, N=10, when='2017/10/14', horizon=10)
>>> cps = []
>>> for k,satpass in passes.iterrows():
>>>    pdat, psum = p.compute_pass(satpass.nid, when=satpass.rise_t)
>>>    cps += [CommsPass(pdat)]
>>>    cps[-1].add_communication(bytearray([1,2,3,4]))
>>> s = Schedule(cps)
>>> s.passes[-1].add_communication('AA-BB-CC-DD')
>>> s
---- -------- -------------------- -------------------- --------------
#    Norad id Pass start (utc)     Pass end (utc)       Communications
---- -------- -------------------- -------------------- --------------
0       25544   2017/10/14 13:05:17     2017/10/14 13:11:33     1
1       25544   2017/10/14 14:42:23     2017/10/14 14:47:36     1
2       25544   2017/10/14 19:36:11     2017/10/14 19:40:33     1
3       25544   2017/10/14 21:11:50     2017/10/14 21:18:22     1
4       25544   2017/10/15 12:13:52     2017/10/15 12:18:42     1
5       25544   2017/10/15 13:49:28     2017/10/15 13:55:42     1
6       25544   2017/10/15 18:44:54     2017/10/15 18:46:44     1
7       25544   2017/10/15 20:19:33     2017/10/15 20:26:08     1
8       25544   2017/10/15 21:58:46     2017/10/15 21:59:03     1
9       25544   2017/10/16 12:56:54     2017/10/16 13:03:35     2

In some situations you may want to manually calculate the pointings of the antenna, or the schedule. If so, just ensure you create a pdat in the correct format (i.e. with tstamp_str, az, el, range_rate as appropriate - other headings do not matter):

>>> pdat = pd.read_excel('passes_test.xlsx')
>>> cp = CommsPass(pdat, nid=-1)


When specifying the pass data this way you will need to specify which Norad ID the schedule is associated with since the excel file did not specify it. It does not have to be a valid NID, so if this was a testing pass we could for example set it to -1

There are two main ways of executing the schedule on the groundstation depending on how you have implemented it.

  1. You can start your software (and scheduler) by loading and running the schedule file.
  2. You can start your software by starting the libgs.rpc.RPCSchedulerServer. You will then be able to send the schedule to the groundstation with a simple XMLRPC call via RPCSchedulerClient.

If libgs.rpc.RPCSchedulerServer is running on the target ground station, you can upload a schedule as follows:

>>> sch = RPCSchedulerClient(schedule=s, rpcaddr='http://xmlrpc/address/goes/here')


The syntax for rpcaddr is http(s)://<uname>:<passwd>@<host>:<port>/… So if basic authentication has been enabled, or the rpc runs on an unsual port you can adjust as required

RPCSchedulerClient implements all the methods of the libgs.scheduler.Scheduler so you can use it the same way:

To start:

>>> sch.execute()

To stop (abort) a running schedule:

>>> sch.stop()

The scheduler implements two flags; track_full_pass and compute_ant_points. If the former has been set to true, the antenna will keep tracking even after finishing its communications. If the latter has been set to false, the antenna will stupidly execute every line in the schedule. This is a really bad idea for automatically computed passes but you will probably want to use it if you are pointing the antenna in a fixed direction for testing:

>>> sch = RPCSchedulerClient(schedule=s, rpcaddr='', track_full_pass=True, compute_ant_points=False)

Module Reference


Action(args[, kwargs, desc, retries]) Actions are just a list and/or dict of parameters that will be passed unmodified to the protocol.
CommsPass(pass_data[, desc, nid, horizon, …]) Class to hold a communications pass.
Communication(cmd[, retries, wait]) This class holds the message (fully encoded) that is sent to the satellite.
RPCSchedulerClient(schedule[, …]) The RPCSchedulerClient class connects to a remote scheduler and allows basic interaction with it to upload/start/stop schedules.
Schedule([passes, buffertime]) Class to hold a schedule of passes


Error Generic Exception